I make work riddled with juxtapositions. Organic next to synthetic, readymade alongside handmade, real vs. fake, past beside present.   Placing opposing materials side by side highlights the diversity in our everyday.

Hair is the foundational material that I thread through all my work. It is a loaded signifier and visceral activator. It tethers to identity, femininity, religion, and freedom. 

Besides synthetic hair, resin, pins, thread, craft ornaments, found objects, and organic matter are things that I use repeatedly. Repetitive use of familiar objects and improvisation create the basis for shared discovery between the viewer and me. I’ve created a material language to counter the norms of expectation within an otherwise predetermined vernacular.

I am a culture laden diaspora Jew, raised predominantly in the Middle Eastern tradition. I grew up in New York City surrounded by living histories and intense contrast. The desire to turn displacement into an opportunity to reimagine is baked into my DNA, and it’s the approach I take to making work. History and humanity are at the core.